Self-care: How to Care for Yourself and Your Wellbeing | Chiva-Som International Health Resorts | Sanctuaries where enrichment thrives and lives change

Self-care: How to Care for Yourself and Your Wellbeing

Self-care: How to Care for Yourself and Your Wellbeing

- Wellness Articles
Chiva-Som Bathing Pavilion Steam Room

Self-care is beneficial, not only to yourself but to those around you. It begins with affirming that you are worthy of care, then taking the time to care for yourself. It promotes a healthier physical and mental state which ultimately improves your overall well-being.

When you love someone, you may find yourself promoting their well-being, protecting and supporting them,  or simply putting a smile on their face. Self-care means taking that same, warm energy and directing it towards yourself. It’s about seeing yourself as a valuable person that you love, and acting accordingly.

Why self-care is important

Self-care is important because the quality of care that we provide for ourselves is unique. People around you can care for you, but there are limits and, sometimes, inconsistencies. It isn’t about being self-absorbed and forgetting others, in fact, caring for yourself enables you to care for others better because you are pouring from a full cup.  

Benefits of self-care

Self-care encompasses habitual activities that promote wellness, here are some benefits of self-care:

Improving physical health: Many self-care practices are of great benefit to the body. Simple things like eating healthy foods, keeping hydrated, and resting are proven ways to enhance your physical health.

Supporting mental health: The gentle nature of self-care includes talking to yourself kindly and without judgement. This gives your mind a break from negative and intrusive thoughts. Protecting your mind will improve your emotions – decreasing feelings of worry and sadness.

Increasing efficiency: It may seem counterintuitive, but taking time to care for yourself can save up time. When you are at your best, you are able to be efficient.

Building self-esteem and confidence: The self-grooming aspects of self-care can definitely improve how you see yourself. However, the deeper work of focusing on yourself can boost your confidence too. Communicate to yourself that you are worth it.

Overall satisfaction, success and joy: When the benefits above become an everyday part of your life, it greatly improves your quality of life. You will feel happier with yourself and radiate a more positive attitude. This cascades into different parts of your life, and reaps more benefits.

Taking the first step

Self-care begins with self-love. Once you love yourself, it is more natural to take care of yourself. Take some time to appreciate the best parts of yourself,  to work on your short-comings, and to accept your flaws.

Remember that it is a process. There will be good days and bad days, and that’s perfectly okay. It requires progression, not perfection.

Self-care activities

Incorporate self-care into your daily life on your own terms. Your self-care has to fit your personality and your lifestyle. Here are some general guidelines:

Invest in your health: Love your future self in the present by taking care of your body. Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, keep hydrated, and update your skincare routine.

Give yourself time: Put aside 30 minutes at the start or end of your day to let your mind breathe. Whether it’s stretching, writing a to-do list, or reflecting over your favourite cup of tea, a daily routine is a great way to feel anchored.

Affirm yourself: Treat yourself much like you would someone you deeply care about. This might mean writing a few compliments to yourself and posting them in places you frequently look. Journal truthful positive things about yourself or give yourself a pep-talk.

Delight your senses: think of ways you can treat your five senses. Use your favourite fragrance, eat a delicious healthy meal, go for a massage, listen to your favourite music, or spend time watching the sunset.

Make your life easier: Save yourself time and add structure to your life. Organise your wardrobe, schedule your week, and delegate tasks.

Gift yourself: Treat yourself to some retail therapy and finally buy something that you’ve always wanted.


With busy work and family schedules, it is easy to skip self-care. But self-care can in fact make you more efficient with your time, and re-energise your care for others. All of us are worthy of self-love and self-care.

Chiva-Som’s Spa Wellbeing retreat

An escape to the tranquil beach with relaxing spa treatments, nourishing cuisine, gentle exercise and quiet time to reflect is a perfect first step towards self-care. Click here to learn more about our Spa Wellbeing retreat.

Article by Patience Sangwa - Naturopath at Chiva-Som

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