Peaceful Living: The Path to Wellbeing | Chiva-Som International Health Resorts | Sanctuaries where enrichment thrives and lives change

Peaceful Living: The Path to Wellbeing

Peaceful Living: The Path to Wellbeing

- Wellness Articles
Chiva-Som Hua Hin

Wellbeing requires balance in mind, body and spirit. And yet daily life involves many factors that may upset that delicate balance. Negative effects on mental and emotional health might result from a stressful job, family obligations, unforeseen circumstances or interpersonal disputes. Lack of personal time, a chaotic living environment, or exposure to ongoing noise and pollution can all be contributing factors.

The health benefits of peaceful living

By creating an environment that encourages peace, we can promote relaxation, lower cortisol levels, and enhance the quality of our sleep. And with these, the immunological system, cardiovascular system, and cognitive function are all enhanced. Adopting a calm lifestyle essentially serves as a shield against illness.

Consider designing specific areas for relaxation, putting stress-reduction strategies into practice, and drawing boundaries between your personal and professional life. Developing a supportive social network and adopting mindfulness techniques can further improve general wellbeing.

Practices to incorporate into your daily life

Meditation with mindfulness: locate a peaceful area, settle in, and concentrate on your breathing or a mantra. Benefits of meditation include lowered stress levels, increased self-awareness, and sharper focus and attention.

Maintaining a thank you journal: make it a habit to list your blessings each day. You will find this promotes optimism while lessening negative feelings.

Artistic expression: take part in artistic, literary or musical endeavours. These not only encourage self-expression, which serves as a cathartic release, but also improve your mood, and are a good way to meet kindred spirits.

Yoga: practising yoga is good for your body and your mind. You will gain strength, flexibility and confidence, while also increasing mental wellbeing in general, and lessening anxiety.

Aerobic exercise: cycling, jogging, or brisk walking can improve your cardiovascular health. With the release of endorphins, you can also benefit from an elevated mood and lowered depressive symptoms.

Nature hikes: Nature’s healing effects are well known. Taking the time to relax in parks, gardens or natural settings can ease tension and improve your mood. And any kind of exercise is good for your health.

Finding hope and joy: The new year is the ideal occasion to foster a new mindset. Joy brings positivity into our lives, leading to lower stress levels and improved mood. Hope helps us build resilience, making it easier to navigate life’s challenges.


When there are obstacles in life that you cannot escape, make time for peace and quiet. You can find comfort in focused breathing and meditation, which help you stay in the moment. Practise thankfulness and inner serenity by concentrating on the good things in life. Take part in joyful activities, such as taking a walk in the outdoors, creating art, or spending time with close friends and family. You establish a haven inside yourself by incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, which promotes calm and contented living despite life’s responsibilities.

Chiva-Som’s haven of serenity

With a tranquil and lush setting overlooking the ocean, Chiva-Som’s ‘Haven of Life’ is designed in every way for peaceful living. Days unfold with meditation, yoga, walks along the beach, and relaxing wellness treatments. Particularly recommended for those looking for a reset are our Natural Renewal retreat, with a holistic approach to lessening the causes of stress and imbalance, and the new Serenity Cruise, with the calm of the ocean enveloping.

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