Our holistic approach to a person’s wellness is key to our philosophy at Zulal. We offer healing treatments that address the whole person, their body, mind and their spirit. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to bring the whole person into balance and treat and prevent the potential for serious health conditions. A holistic approach seeks to identify not only the symptoms that a person presents with but also the underlying cause resulting in a magnificent shift in our overall wellbeing.
The top five holistic therapies at Zulal stem from the ancient healing traditions of Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine (TAIM), Indian Ayurveda and Tibetan sound healing – the original home of the now-popular singing bowls that, when they are played, release sound vibrations that subtly penetrate the body to induce deep relaxation and restore balance to the body’s energy centres.
Shirodhara, an Ayurvedic therapy, also brings balance to the body and mind through the pouring of warm sesame oil onto the ‘third eye’ point at the site of the pineal gland in the centre of the forehead. In ancient traditions the ‘third eye’ point is thought to be the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
Also, from Ayurvedic tradition, we offer an all-over oil massage called Abhyanga, where the warm oil and rhythmic movements encourage relaxation, circulation and an overall sense of wellbeing.
Al Batin, from TAIM, is a therapeutic technique involving deep manipulation of the abdomen to improve digestive function and stimulate the gut which, in turn, helps to clear the mind.
Our fifth profound holistic treatment is Cranio-sacral Therapy which is a gentle hands-on manipulation and holding of the cranium (skull) and face to release tightness in the membranes (thin layers of tissues) that surround brain cells and the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord. This is a subtle yet profound rebalancing of the whole body, mind and spirit.