July: Calming the mind and Ayurvedic perspectives with Rajeshwari Amol Nerukar

Throughout July, visiting energy healer and physical therapist, Rajeshwari Amol Nerukar will enhance guests’ bespoke wellness journeys at Chiva-Som with weekly calming sound baths and Ayurvedic perspectives on women’s health. A renowned Reiki Master, Rajeshwari focuses on how emotions can cause negative physical imbalances, implementing healing energy practices to restore and improve wellbeing.

In her weekly sessions, Ayurvedic Perspective on Women’s Health, Rajeshwari will focus on the Ayurvedic tenet that the human body consists of female energy known as Shakti. Discussions will look at how nature offers principles to balance energy throughout key female life stages, such as menarche, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause.

Helping guests to tune out distractions and focus on peace, relaxation and tranquillity, Rajeshwari will also guide guests into a deep meditative state during Sound Bath Meditation sessions, supporting stress relief and powerful healing experiences.

In addition to complimentary weekly group session, private 80-minute sound bath and energy consultation sessions with Rajeshwari are also available from THB 10,000++ and THB 12,500++ respectively.

Guests interested in elevating their sound healing experiences can also join resident holistic practitioner Charin Srikhaophong on 17th July for a full-meditative Tibetan Bowls Sound Bath.

26th July – Sustainability and wellbeing with Mangrove planting day

To celebrate the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem Chiva-Som will invite guests to join our staff colleagues in a day of planting mangroves seedlings; immersing themselves in the healing benefits of nature, whilst supporting regeneration of this vital habitat.

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