Choose 1 services from the list below.
- Acupuncture (initial)
Acupuncture is a traditional therapy involving the stimulation of meridian points in the skin using sterile needles, in order to promote unrestricted energy flow and restore balance to the nervous system.
- AcuSlim
AcuSlim enhances traditional acupuncture benefits with low electrical current running through the acupuncture needles, using the same meridians as classical acupuncture to optimise results in weight management. Through an AcuSlim session, the wellbeing of digestive and nervous systems is rebalanced to increase metabolism, decrease cravings and stabilise the appetite. AcuSlim is a non-surgical therapy that blends the wisdom of the East and the tools of the West.
- Shiatsu Acupressure
Shiatsu is known as Japanese acupressure, which is acupuncture without needles. Shiatsu manipulates acupuncture points to stimulate the body’s self-healing system through a traditional Japanese massage technique using vertical and continuous pressure. Shiatsu Acupressure can help you relax and cope with stress, muscle pain, nausea, anxiety or depression. The treatment is tailored to your specific needs, and is safe during pregnancy and for all health conditions.
- Seiketsu Shiraku Acupuncture
By quickly lancing the skin, a few drops of blood expressed from one or more of the peripheral acupuncture points provides therapeutic benefit through the “release” of excess heat or stagnant qi (chi or energy). The stimulation of Seiketsu points helps the autonomic nervous system to improve the flow of energy in the meridians, restoring neurological balance and aiding relaxation. Additionally, this technique will have a calming effect on motor and sensory nerves, helping to relax excessively tight muscles and relieve common complaints of muscle spasms, pain and tension.
- Traditional Thai Therapeutic Massage
An ancient Thai tradition, this method of massage involves applying pressure to therapeutic points on the muscles and ligaments, together with deep, elongating stretches, to gently release spinal and muscular tension while enhancing joint mobility.