Welcome to Chiva-Som, your serene wellness retreat in Thailand. Here, you can choose from one of our 16 thoughtfully designed retreats to begin your journey toward well-being. Each retreat offers a gentle blend of spa treatments, holistic healing, physiotherapy, fitness sessions, nutritious meals, and beauty therapies. Tailor your experience to your needs, ensuring your Thai wellness retreat is as gentle or rigorous as you desire.
يبدأ الطريق إلى اكتشاف الذات من هنا. يُعد منتجع A Taste of Chiva-Som مثاليًا للضيوف الذين يزورون المنتجع لأول مرة أو أولئك الذين ليسوا متأكدين من المنتجع الذي يختارونه. يوفر هذا المنتجع فرصة لاستكشاف وتحديد أهدافك.
استكشف المزيدسواءً كنت تبحث عن طريقة للعودة إلى لياقتك البدنية أو لتحسين مستوى أدائك الحالي، فإن هذا الملاذ سيتناسب مع احتياجاتك ويعزز لياقتك البدنية بشكل عام.
استكشف المزيدWe believe that feeling beautiful and relaxed is essential for overall well-being. Indulge in rejuvenating spa retreats in Thailand, where you can achieve youthful-looking skin and a healthier appearance. Experience the perfect opportunity to unwind from stress and cultivate a sense of tranquillity.
استكشف المزيدExperience the gentle essence and tranquillity of our yoga retreat in Thailand.Yoga is celebrated for its ability to rejuvenate the body, calm the mind, and heal the spirit, fostering a deeper sense of awareness. Join us on a path to self-discovery, wellness, and inner peace.
استكشف المزيدلقد طورنا خلوة التخلص من التوتر لأولئك الذين يعانون من ارتفاع ضغط الدم. الهروب من الممارسات المسببة للتوتر وتحرير العقل والجسم.
استكشف المزيديساعد معتكفنا لتخفيف آلام الجمجمة المصابين بالصداع النصفي والصداع المزعج للحياة على التخلص من التوتر. تعلم كيفية السيطرة على آلام الجمجمة لتحسين صحتك وأسلوب حياتك.
استكشف المزيدتم إنشاء خلوة Cell Vitality بعناية من قبل أطباء متمرسين في مجال العلاج الطبيعي لدعم أولئك الذين هم في مرحلة التعافي من السرطان أو الذين تعافوا منه. وينصب تركيزها على تعزيز الحيوية.
استكشف المزيدThe Total Golf Enhancement Retreat is designed to elevate your overall game, catering to players of all skill levels. This golf retreat offers expert guidance in specialised areas, including Golf Fitness Training and Golf Biomechanics, to help you enhance your performance on the course.
استكشف المزيدAt Chiva-Som, we focus on diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices specifically designed for senior health and wellness. Our holistic approach helps you age well and preserve your health, enabling you to enjoy life to the fullest. Join our health and wellness retreat in Thailand to discover how to enhance your well-being and embrace a vibrant, […]
استكشف المزيدOur nutrition team has designed a comprehensive detox retreat in Thailand, utilising the power of natural nutrients, probiotics, and fibre to effectively restore and enhance your gut health. By focusing on these essential elements, we aim to promote overall wellness and vitality during your stay.
استكشف المزيدThe Chiva-Som approach is multidimensional, incorporating mindful yoga and meditation exercises, nutrient-rich cuisine, and detoxification practices to promote overall well-being. At our retreat in Thailand, we say goodbye to the stresses of the outside world, allowing you to regain peace of mind while enhancing your immune resilience for a healthier, more balanced life.
استكشف المزيدAt Chiva-Som, we believe that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for a balanced lifestyle. Our Sustainable Weight Management programme gently guides you on a journey towards healthy and sustainable weight loss. Join us at Thai Weight Loss Retreat, a supportive environment to embrace positive changes for your well-being.
استكشف المزيدهذا مثالي لأولئك الذين يشعرون بأنهم مستعدون للشروع في التحول الغذائي أو الضبط الدقيق للنظام الغذائي. اسمح لخبرائنا بمساعدتك في اكتشاف نظامك الغذائي المثالي وتعظيم فوائد عملية إزالة السموم.
استكشف المزيدأولئك الذين يعانون من حالات صحية مزمنة أو الذين يكافحون من أجل الشعور بأنهم في أفضل حالاتهم سيستعيدون شعورهم بالوعي من خلال احتضان خلوة التجديد الطبيعي.
استكشف المزيدOur fitness retreat in Thailand provides a wide array of options to take care of you before and after your workouts, including Pilates, functional training, and recovery massages. This holistic approach is designed to nurture and strengthen your body while boosting your confidence. You’ll also learn essential principles for maintaining a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
استكشف المزيداستكشف الآثار العلاجية للعلاجات العشبية الصحية والمأكولات الطبيعية والعضوية.
استكشف المزيدالخطوة 1
Let your Chiva-Som experience be an opportunity for self-reflection on your current feelings, inspirations, and goals. This guides your wellness retreat with clarity and intention.
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When you arrive, we’ll meet to discuss and evaluate your wellness needs, goals, and what you enjoy. Together, we’ll arrange a flexible programme, bespoke to you.
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Every Chiva-Som retreat programme draws on elements from our six wellness modalities: Physiotherapy, Holistic Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Spa, and Aesthetic Beauty.
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Dive deeper into your wellness journey with our diverse daily activities to fully engage in your Thailand retreat experience. These are included in your stay, unless otherwise indicated.
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Your Wellness Advisor is there for you throughout your stay, adapting your programme as needed, reviewing your progress and giving advice before your leave to ensure ongoing support.
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Tell us how you’re getting on – we are here to help you achieve your goals with an open heart. We’re ready to assist you in making the most of your wellness retreat experience in Thailand.